For Families

Clinical resources are available in the greater Kansas City area. If you are an adult with FMR1 premutation, or suspect you may be a carrier, or have concerns related to FXTAS, you can seek clinical resources through the Landon Center on Aging and the Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Center, both at the KU Medical Center.
We also partner with other FAXTAS providers outside the Kansas City region, including:
Rush University Medical Center Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Program
UC Davis MIND Institute Fragile X Research and Treatment Center
University of Michigan Ataxia Program
Fragile X
In the Kansas City area, if have a child with Fragile X and are seeking assessment or intervention services, or if have concern that your child may have Fragile X Syndrome, you can find resources through the Center for Child Health and Development at the KU Medical Center, and through Children's Mercy in Kansas City, Misssouri.
Other Fragile X providers outside the Kansas City region that are partners include:
Cincinnati Children’s Fragile X Research and Treatment Center
UC Davis MIND Institute Fragile X Research and Treatment Center